Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let Them Be Little

My friend Ashlee Raubach took these sweet pictures of baby Josh. I am so grateful to have these precious pictures of Josh as a newborn.


Peggy said...

Beautiful photos! Thanks so much for emailing me your blog address. And congrats on the baby!

Jamie said...

These are beautiful pictures! I think of you often and wish we could get together. You are amazing!

oodlesofoversons said...

Those are such awesome pictures! And I love the new look to your blog! See, you didn't need my help after all!!

Naoma said...

Love the pictures of Josh. Glad that he is letting you get more sleep! Makes all the difference in the world!

Gigi's Thimble said...

I love those pictures. Your son is DARLING and your friend is a great photographer. What fun to have all boys! You have a beautifyl family. I want to come visit you! I'll give you a call!
Love, Amber Johnson

Annalisa said...

Anna--congrats on the boys, yeah!! I was in your husband's russian politics class at byu (random) and my parents are Al & Judy Holgerson (they have a blog http://holgerology.blogspot.com/ ) Your parents would know them well. Congrats again on the baby!! --Annalisa