Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Mom Entry

I am thinking that I might as well try to make this more about my life. I am not a great writer but I need to get some journal writing in and it seems that I cannot do both. My sister Naoma made a hard copy of her blog and now has a great scrapbook and journal. So here I am, and I will try to do my best.
So life with children is mostly what I thought it would be. Growing up in a family of 11 children, you kind of got the idea of what could possibly be thrown at you. We have so many different types of personalities in our family that now I look at my kids and see some of my siblings in each of them. It is fun to have 4 boys that all are extremely different. So here I am thinking of when I will have the next one and wondering what he or she would be like. SHE!!! I don't even know that word. I love my boys! I will take all boys but a girl or two thrown in the mix might be nice. I really want my boys to know how to treat girls. They are doing a good job with their mom though. I have to say that I love being a mom and even though it can be hard I wouldn't ever trade this opportunity to raise some of the finest young men!

1 comment:

Annalisa said...

Very true. Future missionaries. You're a great mom. Enjoy the blog as journaling, getting them printed is great fun. Copy for each of the boys' wives when the time comes. All too quickly.