Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Beware of the Three Year Old

So all my updates revolve around my boys. Is that so odd for a mother? Well this one is a doozy. Here is the scoop...my 20 month old, Joshua, comes out of the boys bedroom with a mouth full of blood. It was pouring out and didn't know where the source in the mouth was. So Jeff and I rush to the sink, get a cold wet cloth and shove it in his mouth, literally. We repeat the process for awhile and then finally get it to stop. So once it is under control, we go on the hunt to see what had happened. James tells me that he fell, then it turns in he fell with scissors. Well then the truth, "Jacob(age3} cut Joshua's tongue with scissors" WHAT! Yes, he stuck scissors in his little brother's mouth and cut his tongue. So we get Jacob and he confesses. So Jeff sits Jacob on his lap and proceeds to tell Jacob that we now need to cut his tongue and he obediently sticks out his tongue. Jeff asks what color of scissors would he like Dad to cut his tongue with and he, in all seriousness replies, "Green", so sad, he really thought we were going to cut his tongue. Obviously he still doesn't realize how bad this is. Jeff and I start laughing and off to time out he goes. We will see if time out works. Side Note...Just the other week he(Jacob) is my first child to cut his hair. Right in front. I thought my children got that ONLY MOM cuts hair. We will make that point a little more final I guess. So obviously, he is now banned from scissors


Keri said...

I still can't believe that story! Thanks for the fun night the other night!

Katie said...

Ouch! Oh boys! What would we do without them!

Hope you are doing well!